We’ve gone from this
to this
to this
My baby isn’t a baby any more. 🙁
As you can see, Bren has achieved a new state of bigboyness. It was not the crib (read: captive) longivity I had hoped for but Bren surprised us two nights ago with climbing out of his crib. If he can get out on his own, we may as well make it safer for him. We took it apart and had a “bye-bye baby bed” ceremony complete with kisses to its holy wood. It was… a hormonal time for both DH and I.
Last night was the first night in his big bed. How did it go? Well, not bad but definitely not good. By not bad I mean he did sleep in it for the majority of the night. By not good I mean that we waited til he was sound asleep in our bed (1:00 am!) to move him and then he woke up at 7:00 anyway and I slept the rest of the morning in his bed with him.
Today’s nap will mark the first “go to sleep on your own in your own bed” attempt. Please cross your fingers.
In other news, Bren called the garbage truck a “big truck” today. He also (in addition to shoes, socks and an occassional diaper in the past) can take off his own pants.
We are starting to think about a toddler bed for Jacob. We’re trying to think ahead to July and make some adjustments. I think we’re going to buy the bed, put it together and let him get used to the idea before the transition. Right now he has no clue how to climb out of the crib. Brendan is adorable in his new big boy bed! You should be proud, its a milestone!