We decided to go with the whole vial because half a vial would probably just mean 2 poor IUIs rather than 1 good one. We made the right choice because this was the worst sample yet- only 19 million post-thaw motile. Half would not have been enough. We triggered at 9 pm, which turned out to be about 36 hours prior to this IUI.
So, the smallest amount of eggs AND sperm in the same cycle. Grrreaaaatttt. 🙁
Well, it’s done. Now we just wait some more and hope.
And ouuucchhh, I am so sore right now!
Hi Jen,
I’m a long time reader, I’ve been with you since the days before Bren…… For what it’s worth, I’m keeping you guys in my prayers!
How are you feeling hon?
How are you?? Have you tested??