It’s Tradition!!! Happy Birthday Lil Sweetie!
1. Her favorite toy is a baby Ipod that plays music.
2. But she likes anything with music and lights.
3. She’s a pacifier fiend.
4. DH showed me how a pacifier fit into one of the many circles in a toy ball of hers. I amused her for a long, long time last night by filling the whole ball with pacifiers, all facing out and suckable. 🙂
5. She’s a smart cookie!
6. She’s pretty too with adorable curls along the bottom and over her ears.
7. She cruise along furniture very well.
8. She likes to let go for a few seconds when no one is looking and laughs at her game.
9. She has said many words and we suspect several phrases. Her current favorite is “ball”.
10. She has quite a shrill shriek to her too!
11. She hates being alone.
12. She loves the bathroom.
13. She even more loves going outside.
14. She can watch cars drive by forever, I think.
15. She likes getting into things… our computers, books, dumping puzzles…
16. She does not and never has liked bananas.
17. She does not like to lie still for diaper changes.
18. She weighs 19 pounds.
19. She wears size 4 Pampers Cruisers- and has for awhile now- but she shouldn’t be able to fit in them yet!
20. She’s also quite tall for her age.
21. She likes Gerber yogurt melts.
22. She loves bath time.
23. She loves going places.
24. She likes cinnamon cheerios. She hates baby puffs.
25. She likes American cheese.
26. And chicken. A lot!
27. She drinks about 5 oz formula at a time. Sometimes. She’s a petite drinkers but babbles in delight when she sees her bottle.
28. She prefers us to leave a bottle on the floor so she can grab a drink when she wants one.
29. She has a beautiful coo that she lets out when something pleases her.
30. She’s definitely a people person- she learned our names quite early on!
31. She will sit when you ask.
32. She will also give you her pacifier if you ask.
33. But she prefers you to play the pacifier game and take it from her mouth with your mouth and then give it back. Haha.
34. She sleeps with mama at night. More often than not she naps in her crib or the car.
35. She likes peas and yogurt.
36. She loves to play with our cell phones. She holds it up and says “Hello”.
37. She likes butterflies.
38. And pizza.
39. She loves to be danced with.
40. She likes to be surprised and startled.
41. She is very ticklish. Especially when I nibble her ribs and sides.
42. She likes it when her belly button is booped.
43. She likes playing peekaboo.
44. And “This Little Piggy”.
45. She beams when you tell her good job.
46. Loves to have her clothes taken off.
47. Loves to see a particular magic rainbow spell on a game called “Wizard101”! She goes crazy!
48. Loves to crawl in the sand and tiny waves of the ocean.
49. Loves to clean out the cupboards and drawers.
50. She is very much adored by everyone. And they stop to tell us so! Love you baby girl!
Andy’s 50 things
Brendan’s 50 Things