Well, the stupid test said negative. I tested at 4 AM (I couldn’t sleep). I guess I am on to round 4. I only cried a few tears. I had mentally prepared myself for disappointment. What a bummer. It is amazing how excited and upbeat I was yesterday compared to today. It is going to be such a long time before I get to test again. AF hasn’t even ended this one yet.
I have been chatting on Preconception.com’s Hopeful Momstalk board. It helps to talk about my “obsession” with other women. My DH hears plenty already and I know he certainly doesn’t want to hear anymore. Several people have mentioned visiting or planning on visiting my website. But nobody signs the guest book. Darn.
I got my first baby magazine, “American Baby,” a couple of days ago and my first pregnancy magazine, “Pregnancy,” yesterday. I had a good laugh when I got the second one because it had my email address name “Jh****” on it instead of my name. They are both excellent magazines.
We are getting a lot accomplished clearing out the living room to make way for the computers that are currently in the “baby’s room”. I can’t wait to start painting it! But that is still a long way off yet. Let’s just say that I am not as excited about the cleaning as I was yesterday.