I wasn’t going to… so I didn’t use first morning pee. Then I thought- why not? If I get a line on a OPK again, then I’ll take a hpt.
OPK #1 @ 8 dpIUI: faint
OPK #2 @ 9 dpIUI: blank (trigger shot out of system?)
OPK #3 @ 10 dpIUI: light (about twice as dark as #1)
So I took the HPT, but it was -. If I can find more cheapo HPTs today, I’ll take one again tomorrow.
I must admit, that light line has made me more hopeful! 😀
This site is the best place to learn about the sensitivity in HPTs. Just wanted to pass it along. I was obsessed with testing. I had a FAINT line at 10dpiui and they progressively got darker and darker. My first HPT was so faint I had to hold it under the light and squint.
My test says 25 mIUs.
Have you HPTed yet?? Update when you can. Obsessively checking on you!