
Andy tried rice cereal last week. He hated it. LOL. Dr said it was good for his Reflux though.
*****DH insert video here*****
Since then he has gotten rice just about once every day. He continues to not like it. So yesterday I mixed his cereal with carrots instead of EBM. Bingo! I am wavering between holding off on any more since he is only 3 months old or continuing with carrots and maybe trying pears since he likes it.

Andy is also working on batting & kicking toys and holding rattles. I don’t know if I ever mentioned it but he has been rolling over from back to front for a long time now.
He is starting to be harder to lay down when he asleep- he pops back awake. Hate that. I can spend all day trying to put him down for a nap. Like today. Grrr. But on the flip side he has been better on car trips.
Andy gets the most appealing look on his face and kicks and moves his arms all around when you come near him. Love it! 😀