Andy’s latest achievements:
Andy got his 4 month shots (soap box: If you don’t have insurance/ have worthless insurance, go to your local health clinic- it is sooo much cheaper and in some places free) about a week and a half ago and weighed 17 pounds 8 ounces. Yay for breastfeeding!
He ate his first Z toast a week ago and loved it.
He had his first tears a few days ago.
His eyes are still ocean-y blue and his hair has grown out enough to look buzz cut. He still fits in many 6-9 month clothes but he’s looking fatter. I predict a growth spurt soon.
Brendan’s latest and greatest:
Here’s he’s working on dressing himself.
He has a renewed interest in, letters and making words from them. Can’t say enough about that website. If you have a toddler, preschooler, kindergartener, 2nd grader… go there!
Asked the names of some of my ratherly private parts and I couldn’t bring myself to say “breasts” and “vagina” (I fail as a mother…). So I told him “boobie” and “privates”. He now thinks my hoo-haw is called “pirates”. Argh, matey!
Calls yogurt “ogre-t”. The Piston Cup in the Cars movie is the “Pissin’ Cup”. And my name is now Princess Mama Jen Hxxx. Awww, I like the princess. But he is still Brendan Potty Hxxx.
The past couple days have been hard. It’s chilly. They’re whiny. Everyone has a runny nose and I suspect raw throats as well. Low on energy too. I found out that yesterday was “Blue Monday”- the day of the year when the most people are depressed. Does that make today “Ruby Tuesday”??? 😀 Seriously, I sent DH to the grocery store for stuff to make cupcakes last night. I ate three in 5 minutes. So much for eating more whole grains and cutting back on sugar. Yum!!
The house is getting straightened up and more organized all the time. It’s slow going though. I gotta carefully balance cleaning with time for each of the boys and our Sims time. My brother sent us the complete line-up with every expansion pack for Christmas. We are playing it every chance we get!!
Hi, Jen! Love the video clip…is that a video or series of photos?? of Andy ROLLING OVER!! Wow!! How can it be??? Time is truly flying. Brendan is such a funny little boy. Princess Mama….gotta love that. 🙂
Jen – LOVED the video clip and new pics! I just can’t get enough of those two cute boys! Send some cupcakes my way! :o)
Andy is so cute. I commented back to you on my TTC blog. I called the nurse because you had me all worried and she said it’s 100% normal and refused to see me before Friday. So, Phew. The shots make you more sensitive in that area, she says. So, we’ll see. I’m comparing my body signals to clomid and I guess you can’t really do that. Crossing my fingers!