The cost of mini-IVF

Call them on CD 1… I guess they are bypassing the BC pills.
Cycle day 1, 2 or 3- baseline ultrasound $77ish & uterine measurement $150
ultrasound follicle checks- $250ish each
Clomid- $50ish
Ovidrel trigger shot- $45 from Freedom Fertility
Retrieval- $3,369 (unsure if mini-IVF gets a cheaper rate)
Anesthesia/pain relief- ?? (unsure if I can go without one and just be given pain relievers)
Transfer of embryo(es) back into me- $880 (BTW, one donor vial of semen is enough)
Questions to ask at baseline appt:
Your website mentions retrieval can be done without an anesthesiologist… what pain reliever will I be given? Will I be asleep? Can someone come with me?
Does a minimal stimulation retrieval cost less than a standard retrieval?
Can I convert to IUI or cancel if I don’t get 3 appropriately sized follicles?
Your website mentions beginning ultrasound monitoring on CD 8. My typical Clomid for IUI monitoring date was CD 15 or 16. I’d like to minimize ultrasounds if possible- when should I come for the first ultrasound?
Would taking Clomid for an extra day or 2, say CD 2-7, improve my odds for more follicles?
Order Ovidrel from Freedom Fertility
Get Rx for Clomid