29.5 inches long (86th percentile)
Head 17.5 inches (46th percentile)
Weight 18 lb 1 oz (19th percentile)
Pedi is sending Kayley to a pediatric dermatologist to look at her numerous brown spots. That’ll happen on the 25th. She’s really come down under her typical weight curve. She is such a petite eater… she’ll eat many foods- just not a lot of them at one time. She rarely finishes a jar of baby food in one sitting. She nibbles at regular food. Pedi said to keep her on formula past her first birthday until her next appt mid-June and to use 3 scoops of formula to 5 oz water as well… to make it a little higher calorie. He doesn’t want her to switch to whole milk yet because with the change most kids start drinking a lot less. That was true with both Brendan and Andy.
Other than that he was quite happy with her progress and again highly complimented us on Brendan and Andy’s good behavior. 🙂 That earned them root beer floats!