Today is my 10th day on cycle number 6. I am finally down to just spotting. AF was a long-winded wench this month! My fertility monitor seems to be doing its job. I can’t wait to see a HIGH day and then a PEAK day!! That will be something to report about! I am not too optimistic about this cycle. I just don’t feel like I can get pg without some form of aid. But others have thought this too and turned up pg, so I am not giving up on this cycle until it is over. I am just not that hopeful. Make sense?!
My doctor appointment is Friday. I am getting nervous all over again. I sure hope she is as understanding as she was when I met her more than a year ago. I have one “for sure” no O cycle under my belt. That should make me a good candidate for Clomid, right? Let’s hope that is all I need.
I am starting to rake in more baby stuff from Ebay. I have a hidden cassette player that attaches to the crib rail ($1 plus S&H) and another shipment of onesies (12 this time; $8.50 total, I think). I am waiting on a Medela Pump in Style too. The Grand Poobah of pumps, so I am told. Should be here any day now. Oh yeah, and some cute maternity short and shirt sets and 2 pairs of denim overalls, one being shortalls. All great deals.
I think I have decided that we need a glider in the nursery and a rocking recliner in the living room. One for private nursing and comforting and one for when I want to watch tv or be with Darrell. A little greedy of me, but I think I deserve it. Wink!
I think I have decided to try cloth diapers. Gasp! The dollar savings is astronomical and with the invention of AIOs (All-In-Ones), the diapering is just as easy. Of the pretty extensive research I have done, Fuzzi Bunz brand seems to be among the best. They are made of soft fleece that wicks away moisture from the baby’s bottom. You are supposed to not have to change wet diapers as often and they are great for overnights too. They are cute with sets of snaps for proper sizing. You can even get colors and prints. They are supposed to be stain resistant too. I am sure I will still use many disposables, but having 6 or 8 of these around may cut down our diaper bill somewhat with a minimum of fuss. My only hesitation is about laundering them. If it takes more work than people have said, forget it. I guess we’ll try some out and see.