Good news!

We saw the heartbeat! I am so relieved. The RE said, “I see everything I expect to see in a 6 week pregancy.” 🙂
He did not tell me the heartbeat rate but I did notice that the baby was measuring 2 days small. 3mm instead of the expected 4 or 5. He said I ovulated on the day after my IUI and that I am one day off- so at the u/s I was 6w1d. Makes sense that my hcg numbers were low with the change in date and the small size. Must’ve implanted late. New due date is Aug 17th. He wants me back the Friday after we return from the holidays for another ultrasound. I’m gonna have to move my OB appt to a later date now.
Later, I’ll post about how we told DH’s parents. They are thrilled though. 🙂
Merry Christmas!

One thought on “Good news!

  1. Congratulations, Jen! I’m so happy for you! I know you wanted twin girls, but I’m still hoping the one that is growing in there is female. :o)
    Merry Christmas, Sweetie! Enjoy!

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