Day 4 evening

PAK- pumping at keyboard! 😉
Thankfully this evening’s visit was a terrific one! Our favorite nurse was on duty and Kayley was doing well. She was at 32% oxygen this morning (21% is room air), 28% when we got there this evening and it was turned down to 25% while we were there and it didn’t phase her one bit. It’d be even better if she was ready for less pressure but I’ll take less oxygen for now. Her breathing was slower too so we had a happy visit. I didn’t ask to hold her but I got to do simple things like change her diaper, take her temperature, hold her up while they zeroed out the scale (the bed she is in does amazing things!), hold her feeding tube as the breastmilk moved down the tube and then I spent a lot of time just holding her pacifier in her mouth since she was awake and rooting around. She loves to suck- it is really comforting to her. We spent 10 minutes getting her positioned *just so* so her hand was holding her pacifier in her mouth before she drifted off to sleep and we left. It was peaceful.
She is taking 30cc breastmilk/formula every 3 hours and on this she gained weight today- yay! She weighed 6 lb 9 oz last night and 6 lb 11 oz tonight. I pump 8x a day and I don’t quite make what she takes yet but I often come close- today I pumped 27 cc’s twice and 26 once… very close! If she stays at 30 cc’s tomorrow I just might overtake her, haha. Gives me a challenge! I am pumping now and it looks like a good one!
Trend for her is to have great evening and poor mornings though so we kind of grimace as we walk in there for the first time every day. Fingers crossed that tomorrow she will tolerste less pressure with the c-pap and maybe she’ll wean off of it by the following day. I can hope. I really want to hold her without gloves or headgear- neither which has happened yet. And to breastfeed her would be so wonderful! She has to maintain slow breathing so that she can breath and suck and not be at risk for inhaling the milk.
ETA: I pumped 43 cc’s!!! Holy cow… mooo! LOL.
3 and a half days old…