Multiplication by 9s trick

Hold out your ten fingers in front of you.
Whatever # you are multiplying by 9, count your fingers from left to right til you get to that number. Hold that finger down. The answer is the number of fingers before the held down finger and the number of fingers held up after that finger. Those are the two digits.
Ex. 9×3
Hold down the third finger. There are two fingers before the held down finger and 7 after it. The answer is 27.
WOW. Sure would have been useful about 23 years ago, lol.

New baby toys

I meandered over to Fisher-Price’s website today to see about getting a replacement seatcover and tray insert for Brendan’s highchair so I won’t have to buy a whole new set for the new baby. I ended up with a great print and a new tray for less than $20. And get this- it doesn’t have ruffles (if you don’t know, I cut the ruffles off of Bren’s seat in a fit of disgust. They were always dirty.)!!!

And this I have GOT to have, whether it be a whole new carseat or the pretty pink parts as replacements (costs about the same grrr):

It’s just adorable!!! It’s brand new so perhaps in 6 months or so there will be some on Ebay. I only need the seatcover, the head cushion and the sunshade.


Bren now says, “My goodness, Mama!” This cracks me up. It must be from a video because we just don’t say goodness very often.
We had a nice rainstorm yesterday. Brendan was dancing in it so happily. I was so surprised to see him tilt his chin up and eat the rain. He looked so grown up doing it. Apparently Darrell taught him that the last time it rained. Both Bren and I adore it when a storm is coming. We race outside to watch it come in. I so cannot wait for cooler weather so we can go outside more often together. The high is 100 for the next 3 days. Sigh.
Bren can now play the Fisher Price Toddler game on his own. It’s not as captivating as Reader Rabbit Toddler but a little more complex. Variety is great. He likes it a lot.
He can also do pretty well on the Crayola 3-D game wheere he colors the pictures. He doesn’t quite understand the changes from, say, the fill function to the crayon function or the texture buttons but he can play it and a little challenge is good! He’ll understand with practice.
We tried a Blue’s Clue’s game about creating stories for a newspaper. While he can navigate the game pretty well, the games in it were too complicated. He’ll do great in 3-6 months with it.
Brendan can also identify and draw a crude circle. 😀
In other news, just waiting for AF to show. I finished the birth control up a couple days ago. 1 month and 24 days til the RE appt! We just turned the papers in to upgrade our insurance to the premium plan. Infertility is still covered 50% with the exception of anything to do with IUIs, IVFs, or surrogacy. So my dr appointment and perhaps the ultrasounds will be half off. I still think the Clomid will be just the drug copayment. In a perfect world, I’ll get pregnant within 2 IUIs and deliver before the next insurance year starts up. Then I can change back to the less expensive but still pretty good insurance without c-section, hospital stay and NICU fears. And have 3 tries left for a 3rd baby. Yeah, I have high hopes. LOL.

Bren funnies

Funny #1:
My husband leaves the kitchen, goes down the hallway and into the restroom. Bren sees him leave and follows him. He walks in on him as he is peeing and exclaims, “Dada! It’s raining!” LOL.
Funny #2:
We were all outside tonight enjoying some pretty lightening while DH was watering the plants. Bren comes up to me and I give him a hug and ask for a kiss. He bows his head and sadly whispers, “Sorry. All gone kiss.” LOL.
Brendan also called a cookie “cookie” to day instead of “cook-cook”. I am terribly sad. 🙁

Lavender pop

Well, the lavender preggie pop tastes like sweet bathroom cleaner. LOL. Probably EXCELLENT for sudsing out your post-puke mouth. Rofl!
Actually, I think it’d make me puke on its own.

Preggie Pops

I went to BRU today to shop for a gift for a friend who is having a baby soon and while there I saw Preggie Pops– lollipops designed to help with morning sickness. I have always been curious about them but I didn’t find out about them until after Bren was born. For $3.00 I bought a bag of one of each of their flavors- spearmint, peppermint, lavender, ginger, sour lemon, sour tangerine & sour raspberry.
I am eating a ginger one now and it is potent stuff. I like it. I think ginger or a sour fruit will be most effective for me but I am most curious about the lavender flavor. I don’t care for mint stuff but they may be useful for depukeifying my mouth.
Anyone try these when they were actually nauseous? I saw someone on ebay who sells them in bags of just ginger or just the sour fruits. Even sugarfree ginger and sour raspberry. I sure hope they help me. I am NOT looking forward to puking almost as soon as I find out I am pg til over halfway through.
Less than 2 months to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bren talk

Bren has said some new stuff lately:
“That was fun, Mama!” (After making muffins with me- he LOVED it)
kiss & hug
broken (“bo-kin”)
owl (“ow-uh”)
“it hurts”
squirrel (“squirr”)
sleep (“s-peep” lol)
He is also *very* into a song called “Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom!” by the Vengaboys. After Carrie announced in her blog that it was their new family move & groove song, I had to get it. We dance to it every day, at least once! Brendan even says “Boom, boom!” 😀