34w1d OB appt

Gained 3 pounds- total of 10. Trace of protein (4th time in a row!), slightly high b/p. Had a huge contraction as I was walking to the exam room. I had the nurse laughing at me. Those suckers are hard to walk through! I told the OB that this is the appt that she tells me I’m gonna have a BIG baby… she said “Yup! You are!” Baby measures 38 weeks… so I grew 4.5 weeks worth in 2 weeks. Gonna be another big one. And I have more than a month to go…
I don’t know why but my OB keeps getting called to a delivery as I’m in the exam room waiting for her… haha. I’ve seen her only once in the 3 appts prior to today. I could hear her on the phone in the hall telling the person on the other end “I have just one quick OB that I *have* to see… tell her not to push!!”
Baby is transverse with her back along my ribs. Uterus can grow no higher… it’s all out from here! LOL.

32w1d OB (well, NP) appt

We went to park day today and a friend who I haven’t seen in aboout 2 years was there. I was sitting at a picnic table and she came right up and we had a great conversation. Then she tells me I must’ve lost some serious weight, yadda yadda. I laughed and said that was really funny since I’m 8 months pregnant. She gives me the odd eye and says “NO WAY!!” So I stood up and showed her my belly and we had a really good laugh about it. There was no way she could’ve seen my belly and apparently my face is a lot thinner than it used to be.
It’s been such a long time since we dieted… I’d kind of forgotten, lol. I’ve felt good all day. 😆
Very ironicly, I have gained more weight in the last 2 weeks than I had all pregnancy til now. I was up 3 pounds and now I’m up 4 more. Hahahahaha. Otherwise it was a good appt. My b/p is low again. I’ve had trace protein in my urine for the last 3 visits but I think that’s ok. I’m measuring 33.5 weeks… so 1.5 weeks ahead. Still ok I think. My feet are almost healed from the sunburn (yeah, I sunburned the tops of my feet powerwashing the sidewalks on Saturday- DOH!), though still a bit swollen. Baby still moves all around. She’s most often vertical during the night, when I mostly sleep on my side and then turns transverse during the day. It’s odd to care less about it… except when I can’t breathe or bend over. 😛
4 OB appts to go! 48 days to go!
Easter was a blast!! We spent the day with some good friends who we don’t get to see all that often. I love days like that!
Brendan’s birthday party is on Saturday. I am always so nervous before things like this. I really don’t enjoy “entertaining” but in the end it is worth it. We also brought cupcakes to the park today and everyone sang to him. That was fun!