It was easy actually! Stupidly easy. I did cheat slightly at dinner with a bit more protein than I should have had however for the rest of the night I just was not hungry and didn’t eat anything more even though I certainly could have. I think I only ate about 825 calories.
I also felt GREAT yesterday- and so far it is continuing today!! Like OMG where has this energy been all my life great. Which if you knew how much I struggle with midday fatigue… well, it’s amazing. *Big Grin*
I had:
1 oz Truvia sweetened cream cheese mixed with 1 T peanut butter.
1 Frappaccino (3/4 c cold coffee, splash each of SF chocolate and vanilla syrups, 1 pkt Truvia, 1/4 cup heavy cream, ice- blended well) Next time I will add a pinch of cocoa powder but it was AWESOME and a nice giant glass full. Next time I will also use frozen coffee cubes for a stronger coffee flavor.)
1 FF strawberry truffle (3 is a serving- it’s coconut butter based)
1 taco wrap (1/4 cup taco meat, 1 piece of crispy skillet fried Habanero Jack cheese, 1 oz cream cheese, 1/3 avocado, 1 T Ranch dressing wrapped in a large lettuce leaf). If you’ve never tried skillet frying shredded cheese you really need to- it makes the most delicious taco shells or Doritos type chips ever. 😀
I always take a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement specially formulated for low carb diet. In case you were wondering. And I plan to go heavy on the veggies and berries on non FF days (like today), Did I mention I mad Pad Thai with radishes? LOL. So interesting what I can make sometimes with foods I’d never have looked twice at before. Can’t wait for the leftovers for lunch. YUM!
I lost more than 2 pounds overnight too (though I had gained 2.6 over the weekend)! Jen hearts fat fasting! Tomorrow will be another FF day. I plan to FF on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays when convenient. Next week is a vacation week for my DH though so I’ll plan one day at a time what I’ll do.
I’m so excited to have found something that works and gives me energy too! *Scooby nose in the air dance*
Monthly Archives: June 2011
5 day fat fast complete!
Yippeeeee! I lost 7.2 pounds in 5 days! I am soooo happy. I’m back to 219 and I now have skillz to lose weight again! I am so happy to have found a solution because regular ole low carb just wasn’t working anymore. I wasted a YEAR… yeah…. I was 222 at my 6 week checkup after Kayley!
The plan is to do the fat fast M, W and F every week it is feasible. It is a very tolerable diet, oddly enough. Plenty of sweet and savory things to try. Portions are small but often and while you finish a “meal” still hungry, the fat kicks in 1/2 hour later and you are fine again.
I have apparently really, really messed up my body from the ultra crappy diet I ate as a kid to not lose weight on regular low carb. It did me great for a long time though and if it wasn’t for Dr. Atkins I’d still weigh more than 280 pounds.
Next goal- 210. That’s merely “overweight” on the BMI charts for my height. I haven’t been merely overweight since I started college- when I got down to 195 (through depression & living with thin people who ate little and exercised more).
Happy 13 months Kayley!
Kayley walks!!!!! We have a cute video of her walking maybe 8 steps and saying “I did it!” 😀
Soccer camp went without a hitch. The boys loved it. Tomorrow we are going to Lady Bird Johnson Park to go swimming with my aunt. Yay!
Even though I have been seriously low carbing, my weight has been creeping up. It’s quite frustrating! This week I am trying something different called a fat fast. It’s 1000 calories of the fattiest low carb foods available. Sounds weird, I know. It doesn’t take much fat to equal 1000 calories so portion size is very, very small. The recipes are a cream cheese macadamia nut parfait, 1 egg + 2 egg yolks + 2 T heavy cream scrambled eggs, 1 avocado by itself, or a special chicken salad recipe. I eat five 200 calorie portions throughout the day. The portions easily fit in tiny 3 oz bathroom cups, lol. But each one can turn me from starving hungry to okay for a couple hours. Just enough food to keep me sane- but it certainly isn’t any fun.
We’ll see. If this doesn’t work I may just go bonkers.
Mid school year homeschool update
Everyone is chatting about curriculum choices for their new year so I thought I’d add my post about what we are currently doing here.
Brendan (mid 3rd grade):
Math – MUS – Delta- AKA “A Breeze” after the huge multiplication problems from Gamma. LOL!
Writing/Grammar- Daily 6-Trait Writing gr 3, Sch Success With 3rd Grade, free journal writing/ typing
World History- SOTW 1, heavily supplemented, so it’s the scenic longer route 😉
geography/maps- Sch Success With 3rd Grade, a game called Clue Finders
US History- completing a book on the individual states with maps that I made and bound, Postcards From Buster series
Handwriting- Contemporary Cursive
Reading- Mostly books more or less his independent reading level chosen to captivate his interest (currently “How to Train Your Dragon”) and Reading Blaster computer game. I’m reading the Laura Ingalls series aloud to them at bedtime.
Spelling – my own “Spelling Challenge” method
Science- Daily Science, heavily supplemented again along the topics. We just finished animal and plant adaptations.
Typing- He finished Dance Mat Typing and is now starting Typing Instructor Platinum
Art – my own, often projects along history topics. We just did a Crayola boxed set called Model Magic Presto Dots which was so much fun. :wub: Andy and I made a rabbit and Brendan made his own hedgehog.
Andy (mid Kindergarten):
weekly PE class (Bren graduated when he turned 8)
art- same as Bren and also 2 different scissors and glue e-books I downloaded
Math- MUS Primer
Writing- free writing (I’ve learned my lesson- make it only fun and easy for awhile!)
Handwriting-learning letter formation from Comprehensive Curriculum K
Spelling/phonics- Hooked on Phonics Yellow level (almost done) & Click N Kids
read aloud books- often the easier ones from Bren’s history library selection but sometimes his own units. We just finished a Seuss unit a few weeks ago.
JumpStart Kindergarten game & about to start Reader Rabbit First Grade game
World History- sometimes his reading units are history based (we are now finishing a China unit- both LOVED learning Chinese jump rope!)
US History- Postcards From Buster series
Science- Allan Fowler books and others. 😀
You know… I was thinking I was doing things too simply but I feel better now having typed all that out! I have purchased them grade level appropriate computer games to help fill in gaps. I can’t be with all 3 kids at once and Kayley is really needy of my attention these days. Some days when I’ve reached my breaking point I’ll alternate working with one while another does independent computer work/ educational play. Helps a lot! They watch a Postcards From Buster episode during lunch. It’s the perfect length for me to feed them and put Kayley down for her nap! We “do school” from noon to somewhere between 4 and 5:30 M-F. If we are driving anywhere for any real length of time then independent reading or audiobooks is done in the car,
I wonder all the time how Brendan compares to another mid- 3rd grader (I really don’t remember what went on in 3rd grade besides learning multiplication and cursive!!). Then I mentally smack myself and tell myself it doesn’t matter- he’s moving at his own individual pace. He’ll get to where ever he needs to be in due time. Then I go back to wondering…. Ugh. LOL. It’s a blessing and a curse.