Cycle # 9, Cycle Day #5
Who knew that I would complete 2001 without even the prospect of having a baby yet? That makes me horribly sad. I never in my wildest imagination believed getting pregnant would take so long. People have asked me what my New Year’s resolution is going to be and I can’t come up with one. I am already doing all I can to have a baby. Every year for a long time it has been to lose weight, but I can’t do that while TTC. The best that I can come up with is to try to save half of every paycheck of mine, so when I go on maternity leave we won’t be too affected financially.
Having AF visit during Christmas vacation was really hard for me to bear. Especially since my temps were staying relatively high. Every cycle gets harder and harder to deal with. But I didn’t cry this time. I was beyond crying. I just spent 3 or 4 days feeling like my heart was shot clean out of my chest. I even left calling the doctor for a new Clomid rx until today— it’s day five again. The nurse told me that my progesterone levels had come back at a good level, so I am on Clomid 100mg again. She didn’t even ask when I ovulated. But according to that ultrasound report, they think I Oed before the 15th anyway, not on the 19th. I guess the 19th is as good of a day as any.
AF is being kind this round. I think she’ll be just spotting tomorrow. I’ll be glad to be rid of her. Now if I can just get rid of this nasty cough and chest gunk….
Monthly Archives: December 2001
A dud ultrasound & a chance for a great Christmas
I had an ultrasound on CD#15, which was December 10th. I called in for my results 2 days later and the nurse told me I had already ovulated! I was dumbfounded! She says there was a cyst (leftovers from O) on my left ovary. That would mean an O around CD#14. I immediately didn’t believe her—I hadn’t gotten a peak on my fertility monitor or a high temp. If I had one of those, I might have believed her, but ovulations have been pretty clear on my charts and I knew it just hadn’t happened yet. I am glad we didn’t stop the BDing! Because…
This morning I got a second high temp in a row, so I plugged in a high temp for tomorrow to see where TCOYFS would put an egg and it gave me ovulation on Friday, December 14 at CD#19. When I deleted that fake last temp, the egg stayed! LOL! I guess the software new that I really needed it to stay! So if I get a high temp tomorrow, I will have officially ovulated! WooHoo! My fertility monitor wasn’t any help- it stayed high. The day TCOYFS gave me the egg was the last stick I used—I had run out. No peak ever detected. But the last three sticks were very faint. We had some flooding this week and I think they were messed up, even though they were sealed and not damp.
Last cycle, on Clomid 50 mg, I ovulated on CD#23. This time, the extra 50mg of Clomid speeded up things a bit and made me O four days earlier! But I have a feeling that this won’t be early enough for my doctor and I will get Clomid 150 mg next cycle. Looks like I may be calling her during my Christmas break from Darrell’s parents’ house. It would be very difficult to get AF there so I sure hope she decides not to show!
I will be 11 dpo on Christmas morning, so I am sure I will test then. And then probably on CD#14 which is on the 28th. If I make it that far, then I should be pregnant, because my luteal phase is usually only 10 or 11 days. And I will still be away for the holidays, so if there is any news (puh-lease?!) I will be able to share it in person! And maybe on Christmas morning!! We bought a “Congratulations on your new grandchild” card and are all ready! I almost can’t bear the waiting and it just began!
We have two new winners on my message board! Congratulations to Misty and JennJacobs! May the next 9 months be the best ever!
Here is a picture of Sam:
We have a winner! Congrats Ginger
Yes!!!! We have a winner! A BIG, HUGE congratulations to my first official PG graduate, Ginger!! WooHoo!!! I feel like a proud auntie! Sniff, sniff!
I am on C#8, CD#8. Today is dose #4 of the Clomid 100mg. The Metformin made me NASTY sick this past weekend, but so far today has been great. I am wondering if my sickness was all the new drug though, because when I got to work today, both Amanda and Sam were sick. Well, hopefully the nasty tummy upsets are gone. I thought I was gonna have to give this drug up!! And do I detect a bit more energy?! I am usually very tired on Mondays, because of my early schedule– but not today!
I am starting to get CM already, so the Clomid must be working early—oh, I hope so!! I plugged my “findings” into TCOYFS and it gave me this weird message (like I couldn’t ovulate normally!):