A sample of Brendan’s schoolwork

For later reference, as he nears the end of Kindergarten (this is day 164) this is a sample of what Brendan can do and how his handwriting is. The green words I helped him to read. He was also given a list of spelling words to choose from.

We are nearing the end of a unit on “The Story About Ping” and China and will move on next week to fables and similar stories. I think that’ll be it for units for the year. He only has 2 more of the optional “companion” Hooked on Phonics chapter books I bought. I’m kind of holding off on starting the 2nd grade set so we are reading other things too and concentrating on Hooked on Spelling. For math he is working in a “Time & Money” workbook. It’ll be probably 2 more weeks before we start the money portion. He should be done with Kindergarten by the 24th of October. For November and December I have the “Comprehensive Curriculum of Basic Skills” for 1st grade to keep his brain sharp and I think we’ll read a fun series or two… perhaps the Magic Treehouse books that we have already started. Nothing big because I definitely need a break from school and I am sure he does too.


Last night was Andy’s first night without a pacifier. He kicked and screamed and begged for exactly 1 hour then kissed me goodnight and went to sleep. I had purposely skipped his nap so he was exhausted. Today- not so much as a mention of them yet. But it’s just about nap time.
This morning he woke up with Mosquito? bites all over him… on face, arms, hands, legs,… I THINK they are bites anyway. DH *was* exposed to chickenpox a couple weeks ago though. Andy did have the varicella vaccine, 1 dose. Isn’t there supposed to be 2 doses? We are a bit behind… No bumps on chest or back. Weird that they’d pop out all over him and under his pajama pants. 🙁 Poor kid is scratching like crazy.
So the positive side…
I have a legitimate reason to give him Benadryl… the timing couldn’t be better. 😆 He’ll spend less time kicking and hollering at bedtime.
I’ll give the pacifier trauma a few weeks then it is high time he sleeps in his own bed. I’m going back to my husband!! I do think I’ll put him in the same room as Brendan though.